News from the world: the experience of a boating dean, Gary Erceg, at first glance with the Navetta 58 in New Zealand.
Winner of the ‘Best Boat Design’ award at the London Boat Show in 2015, the Absolute Navetta 58 has been building a solid reputation for itself since its World Premiere in Varazze in August 2014. So – not surprising that her arrival here in New Zealand midst much fanfare created such an impact.
Her new owner first viewed the model at the Cannes Boat Show in 2014. Having firstly considered a competitor’s product he later realised his dream boat when stepping aboard the Absolute Navetta 58. It was ‘love at first sight’ and no other boat could compete. ‘Quality, unbelievable volume, décor, layout and the spaciousness – all bottled with performance and economy sealed the deal us,’ he stated.
Upon arrival in New Zealand the boat was commissioned within days and the owner and his family left immediately for the far north to Whangaroa Harbour and on to the nearby Bay of Islands. Lying in the far north of the North Island this cruising area, which encompasses 144 islands is one of the many cruising meccas of New Zealand.
Not only are these areas renowned for their unspoiled cruising grounds, their reputation for exceptional deep sea fishing and diving is legendary. So what better place for this very busy owner to take time out to relax with family and friends and ‘re-charge the batteries’?
The owner chose to cruise the boat most of the time at a comfortable 25 knots. ‘Belvedere’ was easy to handle in any sea whether close to the coast or in a harbor or bay, and with the IPS drives the boat was easy to manoeuvre. No teething problems were experienced; no warranty claims were required; no headaches to contend with. Never before had we experienced this with a new boat delivery. ‘The quality control and design on this boat is exceptional’, stated the commissioning technician, ‘for a boat like this to have no problems is quite unique’.
In short, the Navetta is an Italian interpretation of a North American trawler and has been translated into a uniquely special vessel. Absolute’s goal was to avoid developing a fast trawler from an existing sport boat design and to steer clear of mimicking the style of traditional displacement trawlers. And they’ve achieved this perfectly.
The Navetta 58’s styling sets her apart from traditional fast trawlers, and gives her a very strong character. Her plumb stem is shippy-looking and has the practical benefit of extending the usable space in the lower deck. The same concept applies to her vertical topsides. Character lines, portholes, and large windows break up the mass there. That high chine in the forward sections suppresses spray when the bow punches through big seas. It looks cool, too.
Volvo Penta’s IPS drives IPS800 (with the option D6-IPS 600, D8-IPS 700, D8-IPS 800) provide seamless manoeuvring and whip-smart fuel consumption which gave the designers an uncommon amount of space below decks. The engine room is huge and the master suite amidships over the longitudinal centre of buoyancy, spans the yacht’s entire beam. Its king-size berth is on the centreline, while a settee to starboard and stowage cabinets along the portside.
Spending time onboard has never been so pleasant!
Space onboard is excellent, be that in the saloon or the three spacious cabins and ensuites, plus a crew cabin – a great alternative to the Kiwi bach but one with distinctive Italian flair – from Italy with love!
For further information, please contact local Dealer: Yachtfinders-Global Ltd.,
Address: Cnr Beaumont St and Westhaven Drive, Westhaven, Auckland.
Telephone: +64 9 377 3328
Mobile phone: +64 021 477 306
Email: sales@yachtfindersglobal.co.nz
Website: www.yachtfindersglobal.com