The research of a peaceful entertainment in the sea passes through an adequate preparation on land.
All of us, who navigate for passion, and who steer a pleasure boat, we have the responsibility for safely hosting our loved ones and our friends. Absolute has always been paying attention to these topics in two different ways: on the one hand, the design and the construction of the boats follow precautions and criteria even highly superior if compared to the basic CE Marking rules; on the other hand, we determine with the same caution also the technical choices that aren’t included in the conventional security criteria.
This is not an “easy marketing” matter, and probably many ship owners take for granted that all the shipyards operate inspired by the same premises, but it is not like that.
That is why all Absolute’s models are voluntarily submitted to a close examination by Volvo Penta, in order to certify – formally and substantially – the perfect IPS Systems’ installation, with all the related implications and consequences.
This examination is strict, accurate and all-embracing: the test concerns a huge quantity of indications established by the Swedish Company in order that IPS Systems express the best of their possibilities, both concerning performances and energy efficiency (therefore, an optimal fuel saving); then, concerning reliability and security (therefore, highest level of pleasure and relax during the free time spent in the sea); and, finally, concerning maintenance’s practicality and simplicity (and so, non-invasive interventions for prevention and conservation).
All this is reflected in an exam of the projects on paper and, above all, in the execution of inspections during the construction and the testing on the final products.
Obtaining these certificates from Volvo Penta is not easy at all, and this fact is evident if we consider that the Swedish Company has hundreds of customer shipyards all around the world, but only 16 have obtained this result, and Absolute is one of the few ones that boast the complete range of top marked products by Volvo!
So, next time we will board a boat, we will remember that the charm of navigation and the elegance of the furniture must literally be leaned on a “state-of-the-art” built engine room and, in this field, Absolute is exemplar and it doesn’t fear the comparison with other companies.
Interview of Eng. Belloni, IPS technical manager at Volvo Penta |
IPS is the innovative choice that Absolute has integrated into his technical DNA, since the beginning of this Volvo Penta propulsion system, in 2005. After these 10 years of experience shared between the Swedish technician and the designers from Piacenza, we “fix the position” with Eng. Carlo Belloni, Volvo Penta’s technical manager in Italy.
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IPS is a brand to be proud of for Volvo Penta, a cornering forefront for pleasure boating, a distinctive feature for the historical development of the Swedish group. How does the collaboration with Absolute stand in these 10 years of IPS? |
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First, I wish to thank you for the opportunity of recalling these 10 years of evolution together. Volvo Penta stands out for the innovative character of its product and this is an important part of the company’s DNA, the same thing that I can say for Absolute.
Absolute has immediately take up the new IPS proposal while installing the IPS1-600 generation on 45STC in 2005. Later, innovative solutions stand out, such as the first three-engine equipment tested in 2006 on the 56, the four-engine in 2008 on board the 70 STY and then the 64 STY, the first IPS 1200 equipment in the world… A path that is continuing, together, always in the forefront. |
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Volvo Penta follows and supports the world of manufacturers giving a precise technical service, such as, for example, the “certification of IPS installations”. In concrete terms, what does it mean for you to certify an IPS engine room, which requirements do you analyze and by what “strictness”? |
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The joined path of planning the installation of engines and transmissions passes through a series of inspections and tests, aimed at ensuring the best environmental conditions for the functioning of the propulsions. |
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Among the IPS OEM shipyards, Absolute stands out for consistency and specialization and, apparently in the nautical panorama, Absolute is precisely characterized by the completeness of a range between 40’ and 72’ IPS completely certified from Volvo Penta. What benefits does this entail for the ship owners in the life on board day by day? |
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As I mentioned, the fact that a Volvo Penta installation is certified means that the integration work between the boat and the engines has been very seriously handled, in all its aspects. Maybe, the owner cannot immediately notice this result, or he could take it for granted, but I can assure you that this is not the case on all the boats! I would summarize the general idea into maintenance and user-friendliness as well as risk and impact of possible failures reduction. Furthermore, the figures confirm this: for the hundreds of Absolute yachts IPS certified, the statistics has a positive record, of overriding reliability. |
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Few people know that the cooperation between Absolute and Volvo is not limited to the sole supply of the engines, but it also involves other prototype activities connected. Could you reveal us what has been doing over the years in Krossholmen? |
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Our testing facility is a real laboratory with structures that are very similar to the one of a shipyard, in addition to the possibility of hosting customers and journalists for sea trials. Right after the meetings with Absolute technical staff, some of the applications that will make history both for Absolute and Absolute 70STY have born: I am talking again about the 56 with three IPS 600, a boat that has been very important for me both personally and professionally. In Krossholmen we have on average 40 boats which are available for testing the products in their specific context, the boat. For example, in the past years, we used an Absolute 70STY as a platform for the introduction of the IPS 1200. |
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… and what is happening during these weeks? Rumors talk about the forthcoming launch of an Absolute boat equipped by you with new generation IPS…? |
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During the last weeks, we have been reaching the point of a joined path that has been lasting more than a year: the installation and tests of the IPS range newborn on an Absolute! And it is no coincidence. Unfortunately, it is a real prototype and I cannot share any details about, other than the tests in Mediterranean have fully fulfilled the expectations. Now the yacht is in Krossholmen because the optimization has not been completed yet. |
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In fact, Absolute’s public got used to the introduction of relevant novelties at every new nautical season. In the same way, Volvo introduces every year accessories, software, and implementations in the world of IPS. What other 2016-2017 previews could you disclose today? |
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Volvo Penta is, and wishes to remain, at the forefront of the nautical world: for this reason, the research and investments in new products are a corporate priority. We have many incoming novelties but, it is a bit early to go into the details; for sure, in Cannes, we will already see a great leap forward for the ergonomic and integration of the driving seats, a topic on which Absolute has originated a new approach. Our Glass Cockpit platform, which was only an option up to now, will become a standard for the IPS installations in the new 16:9 screens from 7 to 24 inches! |
Thank you Engineer: the technical pragmatism and practical simplicity typical of Sweden reflect in Volvo Penta’s cultural heritage, and they confirm the integrity and foresight of Absolute’s choice of adopting IPS for its entire range of pleasure yachts.
Wish you other 100 IPS anniversaries! |