« The philosphy is not a temple, but a shipyard ».
Absolute can be defined as the most accurate contemporary supporter of this theory expressed by Georges Canguilhem, French philosopher and epistemologist. When one’s own “system of beliefs” in the work is reflected also in the behavior, the result is a skilled company that does not lose sight of its clear aim, which is even recalled – as carved in the stone – in the name itself: Absolute.
“Absolute” as the dedication in the constant technological research as well as the hard work of the talented staff operating in the shipyard, whose success is based on one of the most worldwide advanced constructive system.
In this magical place, at the doors of Piacenza, echo the passions of the ancient Italian artisan workers, inside a framework which has little that is ancient and dusty, rather it is totally forward-looking: Absolute boasts one of the most advanced shipyard in the world, equipped with state-of-the-art technological tools, in addition to sophisticated 3D modelling systems.
Cleaning, order and ecology rule an extension of 24.200 square foot where every day it’s possible to meet the owners of the famous company: at the head of this real yachting pioneers, Angelo Gobbi, wanders around the areas of this incredible place on his bicycle, checking for himself that each phase of the production chain perfectly progresses.
“Wisdom is the daughter of experience”: the genius of Leonardo Da Vinci was farsighted. The state-of-the-art working method of Absolute arises exactly from its founders’ in-depth knowledge of the shipbuilding techniques: a unique and innovative method, aimed at the integration of all the activities into a single system, which is efficient and optimized in each phase of the production chain, the so-called “Integrated Structural System (ISS)”.
In the guise of yachting enthusiasts, the lesson that you learn while visiting the Absolute shipyard is the following: research and innovation can give birth to the best yachting experiences, that should be jealously treasured in one’s own personal memory.