A great satisfaction for the VI Dealers Meeting, the event dedicated to the Absolute Yachts dealers coming from all over the world.
23 Countries and 4 continents attending the two-days meeting dedicated to the novelties 2020 coming from the shipyard and to the new season which already sounds extremely interesting; “Beyond the limits” has been the claim of the event, not only highlighted through the 2 new models and the 2 restyling about to be launched to the public, but also through the words of Angelo Gobbi, Absolute’s President. At the beginning he has claimed “Our natural inclination, going beyond the limits, not only the market ones, but also the individual ones, always with great commitment, passion and humility”.
A tight schedule for this event, spending the first day at the shipyard in Podenzano – theoretical sessions followed by the visit on board the new 47 FLY – and the second day at Marina di Varazze for the sea trials, this time together with the other novelty – Navetta 68 – in addition to Navetta 48 and 58 FLY.