Luxury and comfort, fine materials and functionality, design and wide spaces: here is why Absolute’s Italian boats play the starring role on the world stage
When it comes to Italy, three concepts immediately come to mind: quality, style, and creativity. After all, these elements have contributed to the creation of the Made in Italy myth: a virtuous balance between competence, imagination, and artistry.
This also applies to the nautical sector where Italian boats have always occupied top-ranking positions in terms of reliability, design, and luxury.
Made in Italy in the boating industry: the role of Italian boats
On the one hand, the boating world is usually associated with lightheartedness and exclusive sea vacations. On the other, it is hard to realize how much work lies behind the realization of a luxury yacht, how much effort is put in defining the concept, and how much time is needed for the design phases.
Absolute Yachts devotes time and attention to all the construction phases, being aware of the responsibility that manufacturing Italian boats implies: keeping up the Made in Italy name.
In this sector, our country has always proved its talent by creating iconic models, leading the market in its evolution, and setting high standards. The results achieved have increased Italy’s worldwide prestige and reliability.
Absolute’s vision? No compromise!
In the complex yet beautiful world of recreational boating, Absolute Yachts has been carving out a leading role since its inception.
In our opinion, it is not enough to design and build boats that express only one of the different navigation aspects, such as exclusivity. We decided to build boats able to combine luxury and comfort, quality materials and practicality, as well as high-level design and highly enjoyable spaces.
A real revolution for Italian boats, which used to offer these features separately, each one on a distinct model.
Absolute Yachts’ vision consists precisely in creating space for everything in every model of the shipyard. We aim at avoiding compromises: everything must be balanced so that the owner can enjoy an all-around yacht.
Numbers speak for themselves: Absolute’s Italian boats are a symbol of success
It is a well-known fact that one of the parameters used to attest the success of a company is its financial soundness. Opposed to recklessness, the careful planning of investments – often associated with creativity, foresight, and the desire to innovate – is the winning move and distinguishes those who solely achieve short-term gains and those who constantly ride the wave.
We are proud of the results achieved. Moreover, our success has been recognized by numerous independent and renowned institutions that look closely at the trend of the market and the strategies of the most important companies worldwide.
In 2018, the London Stock Exchange Group – a company that controls both the London and the Italian Stock Exchange – included Absolute Yachts among “1,000 Companies to Inspire Europe.” In the same year, we also won the “Export2Succeed” award. In addition, we have been recognized among the Italian “Aziende Champion” of growth (in several editions of the study conducted by “L’Economia” del “Corriere della Sera”), as well as among the 450 companies “Leader della Crescita” in the study conducted by the German agency Statista together with “Il Sole 24 Ore”.
There is also a long list of awards won by our boats, among which the 50 FLY, 58 FLY, Navetta 58, Navetta 64, 70 STY, and Navetta 73 are all award-winning yachts in both Europe and Asia.
What are the pillars of Absolute Yachts’ success?
First of all: the constant focus on innovation. Our cutting-edge systems, advanced technologies, and the engineering solutions we have developed allowed us to optimize onboard space and balance comfort, luxury, versatility, and refined materials.
The main outcome is the high quality. This added value comes from a well-defined and ambitious corporate approach that aims at obtaining independence in terms of creativity, design, and production.
This is possible because, at Absolute, the production cycle takes place entirely within the shipyard. Our yachts would not be 100% Italian if they were not completely manufactured in Italy, within our factory. In particular, the whole cycle takes place inside the Podenzano shipyard, from the first concept to the unveiling of a new yacht: including construction and quality tests carried out in the pool.
It is thanks to these elements that Absolute Yachts’ brand has become synonymous with generous and open-minded engineering, careful design, continuous innovation in the construction phases, and reliable relationships with the shipowners.
We are willing to go beyond the limits, and this allowed us to achieve the desired results and support the development of the company in the long run.
This is the reason why in 2021 we have high expectations on the two newcomers: 48 Coupé and 60 FLY. They have been conceived with the usual passion, designed with the same attitude, and realized with the same philosophy.
Therefore, we are sure that they will both enter the successful range of Italian boats and be admired all over the world.